You can Copy the "Adoption Questionnaire" form & paste it down below in the "answers" section with your answer or you can go to the link!
1. How did you hear about us?
2. What species are most interested in?
3. Are you above 18? (if you're not that's okay)
4. Have you ever owned a jumping spider? If so, what species?
5. What does instar mean?
6. What should you keep an i5 sling in?
A.) 5 x 5 x9
B.) A simple, Small Deli/Sauce cup
C.) An enclosure W/ lots of things to climb on & jump
D.) Any of these will work. Jumping Spiders can adjust
7. When should you move your Jumping Spider to a bigger enclosure?
8. What are some of the signs that your jumping spider is molting?
9. Where should the ventilation holes be in the enclosure?
10. What kind of fruit flies should you feed an i5 or i6 sling?
A.) Melanogaster
B.) Hydei
11. The humidity in your Regal Jumping Spider's enclosure should stay at...
A.) 50 - 60%
B.) 90 - 100%
C.) 75 - 80%
D.) They don't need humidity
12. What should you NEVER feed your Jumping Spider?
A.) Mealworms, crickets, Waxworms, Roaches, Fruit flies & Blue bottle flies
B.) Anything you can find outside b/c they'll eat anything
13. How often should you feed your slings?
14. How often should you feed a mature Jumping Spider?
15. Do you own a fine mister?
16. What are some things you can do if your spider is lethargic or dehydrated?
17. How long can a Jumping Spider live for?
18. What kind of lights should you use for your Jumping Spider?
A.) Heat lamp
B.) UV Rays (sunlight)
C.) 12 hour LED lights
Thank you for your answers!
We will get back to you as soon as possible.